District 40 is fully self-supporting. Funds are raised through contributions from meeting members and the other fundraising from individual group meetings and individual members.
Through different public outreach and information projects, District 40 carries the message to others in an effort to help families and friends of alcoholics.
Mass mailing of information and pamphlets to the professional community and public institutions.
Free copies of The Forum to groups, individual members, the professional community, and public institutions.
Hospitals and Institutions panel to professional community and other public institutions.
District 40 supports the Al-Anon Inland Empire Service Center through voluntary contributions in two ways.
District 40 hosts a fund-raising event to benefit the Service Center through an "Al-Athon." This consists of meetings and speaker meetings that help carry the Al-Anon message. Funds are raised through sale of raffles for baskets donated by individual group meetings and individual members, as well as the sale of food, of items donated or handcrafted by individual group meetings and individual members. All proceeds at the Al-Athon are donated to the Al-Anon Inland Empire Service Center.
District 40 has donated the costs of yearly calendars that are sold to individual group meetings and individual members and all proceeds from calendar sales are donated to the Al-Anon Inland Empire Service Center.
Any Al-Anon member is welcome and encouraged to attend and participate in the District 40’s annual fundraisers. For more information contact your Group Representative, any of the District Officers, or District_40@yahoo.com
Contributions to District 40 are accepted throughout the year, please send your contributions via:
Venmo@Margaret-Bingham-1 (please put your full name and the word "donation" in the memo)
District 40 Treasurer
33339 Camino Piedra Rojo
Temecula, CA 92592
Phone: 951-848-0914
Group Finances/Budget
The group supports Al-Anon/Alateen financially at all levels of service by contributing to:
• District, Information Service, and World Service Area (state/province) structure that serves the group
• World Service Office, which serves all groups (in keeping with Tradition Seven, support of the World Service Office is the responsibility of all Al-Anon members, groups, and service arms.)
District 40 voted and passed suggested Group contributions:
After Group Expenses
District 40: 40%
Inland Empire Service Center: 40%
So Cal World Service: 10%
World Service Office: 10%
Is your life affected by someone else's drinking? Al-Anon District 40
of Greater Temecula can help
send money via VENMO to District 40 treasurer at peggyb555@gmail.com
please note your group name in the notes
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